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Showing posts from November, 2018


or daisies or an obsession. It seems that I have decided to go with this style of flowers. I find them easy enough to paint and it allows me to get better. Maybe I have gotten better and maybe they are just the same, but it is practice and I need lots of it. It started with on of the yellowish flowers painted with the idea of a butterfly landing on it. I wanted a big looking flower and a butterfly to be smaller. In the end, the butterfly sucked. It really sucked. It was horrible. However, I loved the flower and have been painting them since. Here are some of them These are all on the cheap 10" frames that I got from Joann's.  The one below is on a canvas that I made. I think I prefer my canvases overall. I buy the duck cloth from Joann's also. I love going in the store. Everyone is so nice that works there. To add insult to injury about the butterfly pic on the flower, the paint peeled when I was trying to cover it and using a ...

Not so good paintings

I say that because my perspective is not great because I have little experience in making it correctly. The bottom one was an attempt at doing a painting with a reference. It is beyond my skill level. I will get better, at least I hope I do. Anyway, the bottom painting became the below painting and it is still evolving.


Here are two butterfly paintings that I did. It seems they we liked so much that Lori's wanted to give them to her coworkers who really liked them. Stacey Jan


I have been trying flowers and I found a pic I had of a camelia flower. I have tried painting it twice. Once on a very small canvas and a 12x12 canvas. Juliann likes the 12x12 and wants it. So, she will get it. The top pic is of the smaller canvas and bottom pic is of the 12x12 canvas. I did not make that one. I made the small canvas.

As things progress in painting...

Here are some more. I am trying to show in sequence. That is my first painting on canvas. It was a canvas that I made. Very small things that I painted Are you detecting a theme? I like painting the trees. I am not so good at drawing or watercolor yet. I say yet because I hope to get better. I practice drawing then add a little water color to it to get an idea. I thought I would hate water color but I do not mind it so much. It is different.


I think I may add paintings to this blog. I hate to just start another win I have this sitting right here. I have made mom some stretcher canvases and she decided that I should pick up painting also, well at least give it a try. She purchased some acrylic paints for me, gave me a pallet knife, a couple of brushes, pallet paper and it seems something else besides a quick lesson. I have had a fun time with it. I am not a great artist. I prefer wood working. However, it is a great extension of creativity and it allows me to learn something else. I am not good with perspective yet. Hopefully I will get better. These first pics were on paper that I coated with gesso. Yes, not much to look at. I had watched many videos on how to paint. These are my first attempts.