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Showing posts from December, 2018

...and on my birthday...

I painted this. I also did other things. I am unsure if I think it is completed yet. I spent most of the day messing with it off and on. I had a sketch of what I wanted to do already. I probably sketched the idea a few times. I think the colors are good overall. There is a little blending of colors, meaning that there is not a lot of contract the further from the middle you go. I like it that way, but still not sure if I want to add something, adjust something or what. I did sign it. I am just thinking. Mom says she liked it and thinks it has a good focal point.

another abstract

I bought some new palette knives and wanted to test them out. I really have no idea what to do with them. I do like using the fan brush when I do this though. I think it gives nice texture.  I am not so good with the fan brush for leaves. I hope you like.

egrets, maybe

I painted these two and intended them to be egrets. I think I succeeded but you be the judge. They are not photos. The perspective is pretty good overall and I am pleased enough with both.

my favorite, so far...

I painted this and really liked it. It is painted on a canvas that I made.  The size is 7.75" X 21.75" I did a video of it and it looks much better. It was quite easy to do while it was on my lap. abstract

This is more of what I consider a pure abstract. I tried it and liked it over all.

A Christmas tree or 3

Below are Christmas trees. I have watched many videos on many things. I like some of the techniques The Art Sherpa  shows. She had a Christmas tree that I liked and modified a bit but it was her inspiration.